Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels

Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels February 7, 2013

through Sharon Taphorn

There is great love for you here and know that truly all is well with the world. Sometimes it seems so filled with chaos and challenges that you want to give up and return home, and at other times it is so easy to see all the love and beauty and the good that is everywhere around you. Know that it is all beautiful in the eyes of Creator and all of us who are working together with all of you and we are on the same team of advancement for earth and all beings, physical and beyond. All energy changes as each of you evolve and expand your light.
Falling in love with your life is a way to accelerate your spiritual and personal growth. When you love your life, your relationships will all hit new heights and levels and all things around you seem new again, as if they have bloomed for the very first time and each step you take leads you towards the path of joy, contentment and gratitude. The world is yours to explore and when you feel the passion to move forward, it is a glorious time and feeling.
Don't give up. It is time to buckle down and get things done that are part of honouring your commitments and then when you are finished, you will be ready to move on unencumbered and nothing to hold you back. Have courage and believe in yourself. You can always call upon your guardian angels to help you feel safe and protected and know that they are always, always with you, even if you can't feel them yet. Trust that they are there and they are with you, you are not alone. You can always call upon my light to comfort, protect and guide you. You are supported even if you don’t feel like it from those around you. Trust that it is so and believe it.
Seeing the truth is not the same as what is the truth; it is about seeing what is most important at the core or beginning of everything. Speak your truth but do so with love and the intention to bring an understanding, not necessarily an agreement as that is not what is most important. Understand that everyone has a point a view and should be allowed to speak it for themselves. Allow those around you to prosper and grow through encouragement and support, not as someone who says "that won't work", "it is wrong" or any other energy of less than. Allow that part of you that is filled with excitement, brilliant new ideas, and inspirations emerge, and seek out like minded groups, organizations, and friends and widen your circles.
Be sure to balance your thoughts and emotions. Keep your thoughts positive and transform any fear-based thoughts and comments you think about yourself or others. Negative or fear-based thoughts make you feel like you are being held in a prison with no release and no escape and you have been asking for more fulfilling and challenging tasks for your experiences as a human and the good news is that this time is here and the time is now.
You have now begun the second stage, the next vibration as you awaken to this new direction. Review and evaluate what is before you with the tools that you have already created and how you can utilize this information into so much more. Trust yourself and trust that the road ahead be paved with signs and signals to help you choose which way to go and when you are experiencing a delay, know that it is about fine tuning what you are experiencing and allowing for divine timing and things lining up vibrations to meet with what is coming.
Humanity is truly ready for a huge leap forward and so use the natural resources that you have to help you make your life more magical and to manifest that which you need to help you along the way. Let concerns and worries fade away or ask that your angels and guides help you release and transform them.
Remember that skilled work is rewarded so take pride in yourself and the work you do as you are in service to humankind. Learn all there is to know from each challenge and experience a see the gift it is offering you. Traditional viewpoints and human ideas are always evolving and your understanding of how things work and the vastness of what is really available is expanding. The more you know, the more you know you want to learn more and the universe is infinite and therefore so are your abilities to learn and tap into waves of expansion. Don’t get caught up in the energy of competition or bogged down by the details. This only serves to distract you from your mission.
This is a time of positive changes for the earth plane. There is much that is moving forward even if sometimes from the vantage point of earth you feel it not. Know and trust that what you are creating is important for all of humankind and have courage and believe in yourselves. Protect and nurture what you have created and see the beauty in it. It might see as if there is so much going on you cannot keep your focus. This is when you know that it is time to take a time out and re-center and balance yourself. Set priorities and delegate things that really aren’t necessary for you and clearly see what is most important in your life.
As you are trying to find your place and your footing, be sure that your thoughts are not on what might have been. Spending time crying over things that you cannot change is not productive energy, so if you have these feelings, acknowledge them, look at them through the eyes of love and see the positive changes they have brought to the world. Accept help from others and be open to receiving. Don’t be too frivolous with your time and energy but also don’t be too cautious either. Give to others when you can and graciously receive when you can’t. You are so much stronger when you reach out and support each other.
Learn what you can, review your motives and those of others and make your decisions from the perspective of your spirit self and you will gain a greater understanding. You have important goals and life purpose and that is why you are here in physicality at this momentous time for earth and all the beings that are here with you now. Nurture yourselves. Let your angels' help you see things from a different perspective and realise that all of this is important for you and your growth. You are growing and learning more about yourself and your life and how it works each day and so you know that tomorrow is going to be a better day. Be sure that you are not focused on negative thoughts or that your actions are based from fear. These energies bring more of what you do not want your way and can be transformed with desired affirmations and believing in yourself.
We love to interact and work with humanity and help you along the way. If you need help with any aspect especially the beautiful young ones that are emerging, we are always available for guidance, understanding and especially love. The little ones are trying to find their way in this changing world and need the guidance and support from those who are awakening. They need love, support and encouragement and to feel safe. Is that not truly what each of you are seeking on your quest. You must let them experience life for themselves and cannot live it for them. Just as you found you way, trust that they will too and that you provided the best tools and opportunities to support their growth as well as yours.
Open your eyes to all the possibilities and know that there are many more opportunities coming your way. If you feel that you missed something, fear not, it will come back your way if it is important for you to understand and experience. You are entering a new phase, a new chapter in your book of life. Fall in love with life again, fall in love with all your relationships and interactions with each other. You are creating a new earth, a new age for humanity and many of you are on the leading edge of this change and we thank you for commitment and courage to keep moving forward with all that‘seems’ to hold you back.
This is a successful time for earth and all that are present at this time, so confidently accept the opportunities that you are offered. Be gracious and compassionate with others and most of all cherish yourselves and the beautiful gifts your human journey has brought to all that is.
Love always, Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the Elementals, Queen Mother of the Earth.
Working with Mother Mary: Most of us are aware that Mother Mary was the mother of Jesus. She embodies all the archetype of motherhood and is wonderful to work with. I was raised Catholic and Mother Mary is certainly well thought of and a part of their teachings and I have always worked with her. As a child I used to say 3 prayers every night before I went to sleep, one was the Lord’s Prayer; the second was to the guardian angels and then one to Mother Mary. When my son was a teenager, I called upon her and Archangel Metatron to intervene at any time we had problems communicating with each other.
Invoke Mary at any time you need assistance with your life, as she is filled with love and compassion and goes right to your heart chakra and opens your heart to more love. If you need help with your children, conceiving or adopting, ask for her to light the way to make all things possible.
Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights

Sharon and Bella

Sharon Taphorn, author of Angel Guidance: Messages of Love and Healing, is an international teacher, healer, author, mystic, and Earth keeper. She shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her books, radio programs, articles in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and, daily messages of Angel Wisdom, and workshops on healing, empowerment, and expansion. Sharon is a gifted intuitive, empath, and sensitive. She has worked with these gifts since childhood.
Sponsor a workshop with Sharon, the Angels, and Masters.

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