Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sharon's Take May 2010

We had wonderful April weather here, which meant that I had the opportunity to enjoy some meditations outside near the beautifully blooming Mountain Ash in my yard with the sun streaming down. A very energizing experience indeed!

I received lots of emails from listeners who had to work extra hard at keeping there energy up during the past month, part of the challenge of the lower energy and being sensitive - A meditation under a tree will always do wonders in assisting with finding your balance and getting grounded again.

May seems have the energy of fluctuation.  The Photon energy (see the kirael.com newsletter) is going from low at the beginning of the month, to high at the end, giving us a smorgasbord of up and down in between. An absolutely perfect way to work with this energy is Join the Munay Ki workshop here in Williams Lake at the end of the month. And, explore the vortex energy that is available here as a bonus. I have some bedrooms available at Sharon's Bed and Breakfast for anyone who wants to join us from out of town. This will be a fantastic weekend retreat... Check out my site for more information For those of you not attending the workshop, remember your meditation practice and keeping yourself balanced, then it doesn't matter what the energy is around you, you are in the vibration for you.

I am now offering the daily Angel Wisdom messages through this email program directly into peoples in box, so if you would like to receive them, just scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says update profile/email and tick off the boxes of the information you would like to receive. I have had a tremendous growth in the newsletter and other information I share and am honoured to welcome those who are receiving this for the first time. As well, when others leave, I am honoured for the time they have spent with us and am thankful as well. If anyone has an article they would like to share with others, please send me an email and will work at adding it in. It is always wonderful to share your work as well.

Mercury Retro ends on the 11th, for those of you who have had issues with communication and your computers... soon it too shall pass....

Since I am already behind for the month and need to finish preparing hand outs for a talk I am giving tonight, I will keep this brief and wish everyone a month of loving creations as each of us lives in our truth, trust and passion.

As a way to thank you, I am offering a contest to my readers for a 30 minute reading session. If you would like to have your name entered in the draw, send an email with contest in the subject line and include the email address you would like me to contact you through if you are the winner.This is open until the end of May. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love and blessings, Sharon

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