Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sharon's Take Update - Flares and Storms abound

Sharon's Take Update - Flares and Storms Abound by Sharon Taphorn

A couple of people have asked me what is happening on the planet as people seem a little crankier than normal and that is something I have noticed when Geomagnetic storms and solar flares from our sun happen and in the past week and half we have had 3 M Class flairs as well as storm or two and I feel one brewing now... we have a lot of activity today and often a storm follows. 

When we have this much energy bombarding the earth, things often go from a bit crazy to really crazy. I notice way more sirens from police and ambulances. I am also more careful with my driving and paying attention to the people around me as distractions seem to be amplified tenfold and those who don't realize that they are distracted are the ones that you need to most pay attention to. 

During times like these in which all around you seems a bit more crazy, take a moment, take a few deep breaths and connect with the earth and ground yourself, particularly when you are driving or walking where people are driving. Avoid places or situations where a lot of alcohol or drugs are consumed as these people can become unpredictable or even violent. Use shields and filters, especially those who know they are sensitive to the energy (especially the empaths) as this can be a difficult time otherwise.

if your not sure about how to use shields and filters, here is a link to an article with Archangel Michael

Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angels, Guides, and other Realms and Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, monthly articles, her weekly radio program Angels, Guides, and other Realms www.playingwiththeuniverse.com

Friday, August 22, 2014

12 Steps to Creating a Spiritual Practice

12 Steps to Creating a Spiritual Practice

Creating and maintaining a spiritual practice is vital to your mental, emotional and spiritual well being during shifting times. It is one of the greatest gifts you can do for yourself and your physical health, as well as your sanity. Instead of feeling like you want off the planet, take these 12 easy steps and create a spiritual practice that fits into your life. You are worth it!

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Wellness/Personal-Growth/12-Steps-to-Creating-a-Spiritual-Practice.aspx


Make a commitment with yourself, a contract to support yourself. A regular spiritual practice gives you that 'time' to heal, to gain clarity and understanding or your life, your purpose and also why you experienced some of the challenges you did along the way. It can help you to keep your strength and focus. It will help you to fulfil your dreams, intentions and benefits your life in many ways. It does not need to be hours of your time or should not feel like drudgery. It requires only commitment and a desire for something better for yourself and your life.

Begin Your Day

Begin your day by setting sacred space for yourself. Create a special place for you to connect with spirit and spend a few minutes talking with your higher self, your guides, angels or the Supreme Creator. Set your intention, say an invocation or a prayer that shares your thoughts, feelings and of course gratitude for all that you are and all that you have and all that is coming your way. This will help you to set your intent for your day in a positive way and tells the universe you are ready and what you would like to experience or accomplish that day.

Recalling the Energy of Sacred Space

When you do this regularly you will find that when you sit in your sacred space during times of confusion, indecision, or lower energy that your own energy levels raise back up to levels you have often reached during your meditations. You don't need to actually be in this space to renew yourself, you only need to recall the feelings of peacefulness, wholeness, and strength that you feel during these times and this can be used to help you refocus yourself any time and anywhere.

You are Sacred Space

Remember that you are sacred space. Everywhere you go and those whose lives you touch are affected by your energy whether they or you are aware of it or not. Through a spiritual practice you become more conscious of your own energy and the signature you leave behind. Choose wisely for yourself as it is truly part of your grander purpose for doing a human journey. What energy do you want to leave in your wake?

Have Patience

Have patience with yourself and your progress. You are investing in yourself and making life better for all that follows. Embark on a plan of study or long-term goals for yourself that helps you to fulfil your destiny, your life's purpose and your intention for your personal and spiritual growth. It is time to take the next step. See yourself doing well, visualize your desired outcome and remember that optimistic plans and focused intention will lead you to the manifestations you want in your life.

Ask for Assistance

Your angels and guides are always with you guiding and helping you with this process and making your life that which you desire. They must be asked and invited into your experience. Wise planning and consultation leads to the results you desire. Take time today to connect with yourself and your guidance and do this every day. You will be pleased with the outcome. Keep a journal of your conversations, insights, requests and answers to help you see your progress and open you up to other forms of communication.


It is important to communicate your desires and intentions with others as this is also a time filled with a great deal of activity and this can lead to sudden and immediate results and changes. Choose your thoughts and ideas wisely and clearly as this will help you see the desired results. Communicate your intentions with love and logic and this will help attract to you what you need to complete your vision.

Be at Peace

This is a time of transformation. It is time to leave behind what no longer serves you or your growth and move on to a more enriching today and tomorrow. Reflection and meditation can help provide you with the answers, insights and understanding that can lead you to a peaceful conclusion. When you feel at peace with yourself and your life, you are better able to see the opportunities that are available to you in your now.


All of your prayers are always answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you received an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears - or a book falls off the shelf. The answer to your prayers is very often given by providing you with ideas or information in these everyday ways.

Continue Reading  at 

Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angels, Guides, and other Realms and Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, monthly articles, her weekly radio program Angels, Guides, and other Realms

Angels, Guides, and other Realms Animal Medicine and Spirit Shares 08/21 by Shifting Times Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Angels, Guides, and other Realms Animal Medicine and Spirit Shares 08/21 by Shifting Times Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Join Sharon each Thursday as she shares messages of love, transformation and healing with spirit shares with the Angels, Masters and other Beings of Light. 6pm pacific/9pm eastern

Each week features different angels and guides and how to work with them to enhance your life and teach you how to make life flow more easily or how to get into that flow. How they can assist us and working with their energy to make life better, Discussions, meditations and spiritual guidance. Mini readings are offered in the last segment of the show.

We want to empower you to be brave and strong and to take charge of your life and realize your magnificent potential as you live life with purpose, on purpose and with the infinite potential of the Universe and all that is backing you all the way. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Horse Medicine

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Horse Medicine 
A message from Cherokee with Sharon Taphorn 

Horse medicine is about inner strength, endurance, and action. Taming the horse allowed for the human being to move faster and carry more. He allowed for increase in speed and overcoming the distance. Before the horse, there was only foot power. Horse also teaches us wisdom of direction as horse will always bring you home. 

If horse has entered your dream time, you are wise to heed the message as it comes with great wisdom. 

Cherokee was the very first horse I ever rode and he came to me as we were discussing animal medicine. I was four years old and he was a young stud who was being rescued from someone turning him loose with some wild horses out in the Nemiah Valley. He lived to be over 30 and had some wonderful homes and my Mom saw him up till the end as he ended up down the valley from her and is buried there. He had a good life and was loved by all the owners who had him. It turned out that over the past week we had a series of 'co-incidents' around Cherokee and his life as I met the girl who first rescued Cherokee at 3 days old through my work with Meals on Wheels.  She was a teenager and loaded him in the back of her mothers car as he was going to be killed because his mother was a bucking bronc who they didn't want to be nursing a baby. He as hand raised and fed by her through a bottle. When we got him he had been taken by one her brothers and was going to be released into the wild until my Uncle Bud rescued him and we bought him. He was under 2 years old at that time. We did not know that we knew where he had come from until now and Lorna now knows the wonderful story of the rest of his life and has closure. 

So, when Cherokee first came to me I was surprised. He wasn't my horse growing up so while I always loved him, it wasn't the bond I had with some of the other horses. Now that I am aware of his life and what he endured and what a lucky horse he was and how lucky those of us who shared in his life truly are, I am amazed and not surprised as he had so much to teach us. 

I have learned and I am amazed at the intricacies of life and spiritual family. Two of my most beloved Uncles not by birth weave through the web of my life through this story and are two men that today I still cherish and that shows me the strength of spiritual family. 

It also serves to remind me that it takes a village to raise a child and we are all that, be we two legged, four legged, or winged ones. We all need help and support and this is why family and soul family are important and there for us and this is part of what horse medicine has to teach us, about family and supporting each other. 

Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angels, Guides, and other Realms and Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, monthly articles, her weekly radio program Angels, Guides, and other Realms www.playingwiththeuniverse.com

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Angels, Guides, and other Realms August's Energy and More 07/31 by Shifting Times Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Angels, Guides, and other Realms August's Energy and More 07/31 by Shifting Times Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

This week's show Sharon will share Sharon's Take for August, how to use this energy to help us create and more. Join Sharon Taphorn each Thursday as she shares messages of love, transformation and healing from the Angels, Masters and other Beings of Lights. 6pm pacific/9pm eastern

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sharon's Take August 2014 ~ Indulge your Creative and Imaginative Self

Sharon's Take August 2014 
~ Indulge your Creative and Imaginative Self by Sharon Taphorn

This month offers opportunities for expansion of your 6th senses, in particular your third eye connection and your ability to see more than meets the eye. Many of you may find yourself going through the vibrational flu this month as you have been doing the work over the past few months that will lead to this change. This is the time to set your intention and stay focused and not get caught up in all of the drama that is happening for those who have not been doing their work and or still believe that they are stuck as a victim of life and circumstance instead of learning from those experiences, completing the cycles and moving on to something more amazing for themselves and their lives. 

August is an important month in terms of the expansion of the growth to reap the rewards of the harvest and so this is the time to allow for your expansion. It is a time of opportunities and good fortune. Are you open and willing to receive all good things in your life? Are you open to your spirit guides messages of love and expansion? Are you connecting and becoming one with your higher self on a regular basis? 

Now is the time to start! 

This is an auspicious time and can be extraordinarily powerful for those who are observant and careful about what their thinking as you will find there is little effort needed to manifest your intentions as you become the master of your thoughts and feelings. Indulge your creative and imaginative side and you will be rewarded with seemingly magical creation, but really it is truly the rewards of a job well done and you did that work. 

If you find yourself or your thoughts wandering into those of lack, remind yourself of all the things in your life that are wonderful - like food, loved ones, shelter, or even the very gift of life itself, be grateful. Ask for whatever you want and then imagine it as if you already have it. Feel what it is like to live life as if it is here already. If you feel any blocks then look at those more deeply as there is something deep within you that believe that this is not so or attainable and begin to work with that aspect of yourself. 

Monitor your thoughts and feelings as these are the barometer of your inner knowingness and your connection with your higher self. 

Detaching from the drama

Creating Sacred Space for yourself and your home and your work will serve you well as it is important to detach from the drama all around you. There is much that serves to distract you and fill you with feelings that don't support you or your growth and it can become a challenge to keep you focus when you get caught up in all the drama that is happening around you. 

There are times to fight for what you believe in and times to lay down your swords and surrender. If you were in imminent danger your reactions and actions are quite different than they are otherwise. It is also good to remember that discontent is what helps to shift your world, what speaks of your integrity and growth is how you respond to that discontent and we hope that you remember to always add love into the equation so that you will see better results than imagined. 

With all the shifts and changes it is so important to have that space to just be and enjoy the moment with no other agenda than that moment. It is important for your mental well-being and spiritual growth and taking the time to allow for this is essential for your growth. You will see better results manifesting for you when you take this time out for yourself where you feel safe, comfortable and can talk with your higher self, highest guides and angels. 

Be really clear on your communications with others as there seems to be so much going on that people aren't even aware they are not paying the slightest attention to what is actually going on around them and sometimes if feels like you are in a completely different dimension that you were the day before and well, that very could be. So, just be open and except that you are where you are and go on from there

Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angels, Guides, and other Realms and Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, monthly articles, her weekly radio program Angels, Guides, and other Realms