Thursday, February 6, 2014

Trust, Love and Healing

Trust, Love and Healing by Sharon Taphorn

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It is the perfect time to heal your heart and transform any feelings you hold for yourself with love, healing and forgiveness so that you can move forward, ready for a new beginning. Sometimes life delivers some hard knocks so you guard your heart after you have been hurt by another and sometimes even locked it away and don't let others get close to you so that you don't have to feel that kind of pain or loss again.

Now is the perfect time to heal so you can move forward to more fulfilling situations and relationships.

Release and Forgive
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When you hold on to hurt feelings or the pains of the past a great sadness is carried around and this affects all of your bodies, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Release these feelings and forgive yourself and others. Know that you did the best you could at that time and open your heart and your mind to greater possibilities.

Proceed at Your Own Pace
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It is not a race and none of you are going to be kicked off the Island. It is okay to move forward slowly and carefully as you choose and carefully weigh your options. Ask your angels to surround you in love and listen for the whispers from spirit of reassurance and feel their heartfelt advice manifesting within you and know that it is trustworthy guidance and take your actions from there as you feel ready.

Healing is Always Available
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There are always healing opportunities and options available to you. Notice your ideas and your thoughts as they are coming from a higher aspect of yourself and are the divine guidance that you seek as the answers to your prayers.

Hold Positive Thoughts and Feelings
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For many it has been hard to hold your light as you acclimatize to the energy that is around you. It has also been a time of great opportunities to expand your light and tap into aspects of yourself to enhance your journey. Take the steps and walk through the door as you are indeed ready to move on to so much more.

It Is Not Always Easy
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It is not always an easy journey when your world is changing so, however it is one of the greatest experiences a spirit can participate in and that is why there are so many of you here right now. When you return to the world of spirit, you will wear beautiful new colours that you have earned while you are here.
Growth and Expansion
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An important aspect of this human journey is that of growth and expansion. This can often require a bit of trust on behalf of the aspirant and a quality that will assist you in creating and focusing on the changes you desire to create for yourself and your world. It is not always easy for a human to trust, especially those who have felt they have been let down by others. However, it is time now for you to look within for your trust and not look for it in another. When you can march forward with resolute trust in yourself, then you will know you are walking in mastery of one of life's lessons.

Notice Your Physical Signs
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It is also important to pay attention to your physical self. Oftentimes when you are experience so much growth and development, you can forget to take care and nourish your physical body. Your body can act as your guidance system when you connect and interpret the signals it provides you with to help guide you to what is best and right for you.
Ground Yourself Regularly
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Take time to visualize your connection with your earth as a part of your daily practice. Imagine your root chakra (at the base of your spine) is extended downward and into the earth or spend a few minutes imagining you are walking barefoot along a beach or a path in the forest and just be in that moment if cannot go outside and walk barefoot upon the grass. It does not matter if you are able to touch ground, just visualize it and it will happen.
Other Ways to Ground
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Some of the other ways you can ground yourself are to spend time gardening or working with flower essences. Adjust your diet to include more root vegetables and make other lifestyle choices that they support your mental and physical awareness. Make sure the words you speak or write are practical, grounded, and understandable. Be down to earth and authentic in your relationships and actions.
Love Who You Are Right Now
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Be happy and love who you are right Now! Love all of your perfections and imperfections, for you are absolutely perfect just as you are to help you accomplish your goals. You will know when you are accepting yourself because you will feel great just as you are. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner thoughts and feelings, so focus on the beauty within you. Focus upon your wonderful qualities, your hope, your kindness, your talents and the gifts that you offer.

It Is a Beautiful World
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Remember there is something for everyone in this magnificent Universe and you are just as deserving as anyone else, trust that this is so. Take the time to feel the peace and serenity that comes from within and lets you know that you are worthy, safe, protected and loved.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, her weekly radio program Calling All Angels for more information check out her Home Page at

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