Friday, January 24, 2014

Sharon's Take on the Energy

Today is only about the 2nd time in 3 and half months that our geomagnetic and flare activity have been normal, so if it almost feels like something strange is going to happen, don't panic, it is just the energy has been active for so long that it feels a bit scary lol. Hopefully a bit of a respite for those of you who have been having a rough time. Keep your thoughts and feelings positive and forward flowing and you will be fine. 
It has been an interesting experience to be in the heart of the downtown when I have been away from it for a while. Although I have been here, most of my time was spent on unpleasant tasks and taking care of business. This is my first visit for the pleasure of just enjoying the moments. I do love all the people and yet the anonymity of it at the same time. 

It has also been interesting to be an empath, open and roaming the city. With being right downtown on Robson Street, the city never sleeps. There are happy people coming home at 430am and then some not so happy people, construction, horns honking at of course tons of a variety of sirens at all odd hours of the day. I was reminded of the importance of using shields and filters so that you don't get bogged down in the energy of others and all that is happening. When I lived here before, I lived on a park and it is quite a bit different to experience the city without that wonderful cleanser and buffer. 

The energy is always different everywhere you go. I like to feel my way through the mace of life and since I am an empath, I find it so natural anyway. When I am slowing down while on the road to go through the towns, I stretch myself out and feel each place and love it. I would like to stop more and enjoy little areas yet I don't always. Perhaps since I don't have to hurry home I will make a point of doing so and tapping into the different areas...stay tuned, there will be more lol. 

So, your assignment human angel is to feel your way through your day. Use some shields and filters but also ask to be aware of what is your energy and what belongs to others and or the environment you are in and experience your day in a new way. 

Have a grand adventure! 


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