Friday, August 8, 2008

the magic of 080808

Today holds the magic of the 8-8-8, even though it is truly an 8-8-1 as it is really 2008 which adds up to 10=1 Creator....anyway... that adds up to 17=8... so today is truly an 8 day and olds the vibration of 8 and x 3 in the energy, and therefore holds a powerful vibration. It also holds a powerful vibration in the thoughts of many lightworkers and muggles as well.

8 energy is all about the awareness of both the spiritual and physical realms at the same time... by spiritual I mean, any dimension other than the one that most of us humans are living in...some of us do live in different ones while still here tee hee... anyway...

Today is about realizing and connecting with all those other beings of light from other dimensions of time and space are here to assist us... here to help.. we need only ask.. we need not put limits on what we would like to create... we need not tell them how we want to create things here... we need only to ask that these things be created... get out of our own way and pay attention to the signs and people who might assist us that are put in our path... hold the focus of the outcome...not how we are getting there... work towards creating that as if it here, and keep moving toward that goal....

Today is about realizing our potential as spirit beings having a human experience... my meditations have been so filled with love and clarity over the last few has astounded me... I expect today to be a powerful vibrational shift for those who wish to feel the energy of this most beautiful day!


Love and Light... Sharon and her posse...

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