Sunday, April 20, 2008

being the change...

Today I experienced some amazing emotional awareness's. I was put a woman to bed for a nap at work who is turning 100 in a few months. She told me my hands felt good and warm, so I rubbed her shoulders and tucked her in, and she said in this high pitched yet soft voice she often speaks with...'that feels so good', I whispered that I was so happy to make her feel good, she said 'I love you' i told her I loved her back, I flooded with tears and the most beautiful feeling of gratitude and love. It was so beautiful.... a bit later I had another encounter with a neighbour who likes to invade my privacy. I see her as my test to stay in Love. Today as she spent 3 hours raking and digging outside my patio I found I needed to find love to replace the emotions I was allowing to happen. I began to think of how tomorrow I won't remember this, as it shall pass, however, the response from cellular consciousness to this stimuli
is probably not what I want floating about my body. I want my cellular memory to hold the feeling of love at all times. How can I do this... so.. I began to focus on the love I felt during the exchange with my beautiful elder at work... I then began to watch 'the neighbour' and focus all my thoughts on the things that I admire about her (you can always find something)... I made a list of those things and each time she is outside my patio working for hours... I will read that list... My thought is that I will no longer be bothered by her...and will find the many ways to Love her...
In Love and Light...Sharon

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The journey

Another moving share from my 'Sharon's Take' archives is one from November 2006....

It is a beautiful video called 'The Dash"

It touched my heart deeply.... remembering that it is the journey... the destination is the same... enjoy the moment of the journey... live each day as if it were your last... if today was the last time you would ever see your matter how annoying... what would you say and do last... every day is a gift with each other as we try to remember we are all just trying to find our way....

Thanks for the gifts, the memories and the love, laughter and the lessons...

Love ya, Sharon

Right Brain vs Left Brain

In my Novembers 'Sharon's Take', I posted an article on determining which side of the brain you use most often.
The extraordinary thing about this beautiful graphics is that it can train you to consciously work with each side of your brain... rather fascinating.

I found that I could get it to spin counter clockwise only when I concentrated very hard on doing complex math equations and left brain activities....

Enjoy the challenge!

In the Light of Love...Sharon