Friday, July 7, 2017

Connect with Your Inner Guru

Connect with Your Inner Guru

Connecting with your inner Guru is the best guidance you can receive.  A Guru is a spiritual teacher of great wisdom. The only true Guru is God’s presence within you.  This connection seeks to intuitively instruct you as to the living of your life and reaching enlightenment, or reaching a union with God or the Christ Consciousness within yourself.
You are your own best guidance. You know what you want, you know what is right and best for you when you hone your skills at making this connection stronger. It might be helpful to find a spiritual teacher who can assist you in connecting, however you need to learn to practice if for yourself. When this connection is strengthened, and you learn to trust it, you can accomplish your goals and plans so much more quickly it will feel like magic.
As you get more in touch with your inner spark of Creator Light, you build a spiritual strength and foundation. This connection with serve you well as a base for all that you do. When you have questions or need help, you get what you need faster. When the student is ready, the teacher will come. When you are ready, you will learn to trust this connection. When you master doubt, you will know what to do. Believe in yourself and your ability to connect with still wise centre.

Your Angel Guidance is to Connect with your Inner Guru for Guidance:

Make a commitment to yourself and your journey to connect each day for the next 21 days. Should you miss a day, begin again with day one and do this each day. Journal about your thoughts and feelings after you make your connection so that you can see your progress.
Take some deep breaths and relax your body and your mind. Go to your sacred space or special place to relax.  Connect with the divine source energy that dwells within you and every living being on this planet.  Spend time talking with and getting to know this part of you. As you do this you will learn to recognize the thoughts and feelings that come from this source.
Once you recognize your connection to your inner Guru, hunches, feelings, spontaneous and creative thoughts should be acted upon. The best way to accomplish this is through prayer and meditation. Wherever you are, whatever you may be doing, whomever you may be with, the Guru within you is guiding you. It is instructing you with guidance on what is best for you to do. Make time to Listen and then make your plans and your choices from this great inner source of wisdom and knowledge.
Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon's book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Time for A Solstice Review

Our sun has just past the marker and we have now entered the Yin of the year and it is the perfect time to do a review.  Here are some questions to ask yourself as you plans for the next season:
As you look back over the past six months what has happened in your life? What are some of the results you have achieved with your plans? The yin of the year is considered the feminine aspect according to Chinese astrology. Yin is the dark half of the yin and yang symbol. It means the shady place, and it is cold, wet,  and yielding. But yet, there is always a bit of yang in the yin, and a bit of yin in the yang so always look for the balance as you review.

Review what you have achieved since the Winter Solstice.

What has gone well? Take a look at your plans and see how they manifested. Look at all the areas of your life that you feel good about and are happy with the way they are proceeding.
How will I celebrate my outer achievements? Did you take the time to celebrate the steps along the way? Sometimes when you look at the progress you have made in your attempts at achieving helps you to feel better about results that are yet complete.
Who has helped me and how can I show my gratitude to them? Recognize the people in your life who have supported you along the way.
Which seeds have failed to germinate and how would I do things differently to ensure success next time? See the gift in seeming failures as these are the gifts to show you a better way.

Your Angel Guidance is to plan what you want to incubate in the yin phase of the year:

What do I wish to encourage in my life over the next half of the year? Make some plans and write them down so during the winter solstice you can do a review and see the results more clearly.
What do I want to nurture and develop in myself over the coming months?
What's important to me? Take a really deep look and be sure that the dreams you are holding for yourself are yours. Oftentimes we do things out of tradition or obligation and it is time to do things that are important to you.
Which projects do I want to prioritize? Pick a few things that are most important to you. Think about smaller projects and bigger ones, and then work on both. The smaller projects offer faster rewards to help keep you motivated for the bigger ones.
What do I want to harvest and what will bear fruit? Take a look at your projects and see which ones are working and which ones aren't. This is the time to adjust the ones that are not working for you or try something different. The solstice is the perfect time to renew your commitments as well.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon's book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Carpe Diem Style

Carpe Diem Style

 To Seize the Day is to honour your life and live it well, so lets look at ways to live life “Carpe Diem Style”. Living for today is really all you have. This can be difficult for us to understand. When you are caught up in the future or the past, you are not in the space to getting caught up in your now.
Choose today to seize the day and make the most of what you have.
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love… By Marcus Aurelius.

Open your eyes, look around, see beauty, see love, and take a deep breath in. Start your day ‘Carpe Diem Style’. Start with an attitude of of knowing you can choose to see life as an adventure and do
it.  You can set the tone for the rest of your day and choose to remind yourself of this intention throughout your day.

Things won’t always go your way, and that is okay when you have made the most of your day. “Be
present, be in love with your life. Every Minute of it.” Jack Kerouac


You have a gift, which is called ‘today.’ It is a gift that allows you to see all the beautiful things in the world, have fun, love, and experience being loved. Make the most of your time. Make the most of each moment you have with each other, and make the most of your day today and every day.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon’s book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Check out Sharon’s daily Angel Guidance Messages



Monday, January 30, 2017

Choices ~ It’s not about them

Choices ~ It’s not about them

I found another wonderful quote about the choices we make. I often share a similar message with clients when they are on a path where they feel alone or not supported by those they love. Others don’t always understand your choices, but they are your choices and it is your life, so it is not up to them to understand or approve.

It also goes without saying that supporting those you love,  regardless of the path they choose is good advice. It is not about you. As the beautiful guide Mother Theresa once said…”Love them anyway.”
There are many paths up the mountain, choose the one that speaks to your heart.

Your angel guidance is:

Honour your heart. Honour your choices and don’t worry what others are doing or think about you or the choices you make. These decisions are yours to make. It is always good to look at others motives in the advice they give you, but it is not about them.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon’s book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Check out Sharon’s daily Angel Guidance Messages


Monday, January 16, 2017

Today I am Luminous

TODAY I AM LUMINOUS. I LOVE my Body...I found this amazing affirmation statement online and thought it was fantastic.
"Today I am Luminous. I love my body, this incredible and complex vessel that is me. I am in awe of my body's ability to heal, to nurture, to transform, to love and to flourish with vibrant health, divine energy and radiant feminine (or Masculine) beauty. I see the perfection in every one of my cells and honour this physical vehicle that I have been blessed with!"  And so it is.

Powerful words, especially if at first your don't feel them about yourself. This is a powerful tool of transformation. Make a copy and keep it your bathroom and say it to yourself everyday. Use it and let it do its magic and take the angel challenge:

Your Angel Guidance is...

Read this statement out loud to yourself every morning for 21 days. Write it on some card stock and carry it with you and read it throughout the day to yourself. If you miss a day, begin again at day one. Notice any changes in your life. Keep a journal about any thoughts and feelings that emerge. This will help you to see any blocks or resistance you might have.
Give it a whirl and let us know how it goes, we would love to hear about your experiences.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon's book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Keeping it Real For 2017

As we awaken to a new year, the angels want to remind us to be Keeping it Real for 2017. If you like to set goals for the next year, this is the time to set them. Remember to be realistic in your expectations and set smaller goals for yourself. Keep your resolutions simple and doable - keeping them real!

Remember that life isn't a race to finish line that only one of us is going to win. Choose to take your time in your choices and keep them grounded in the realm of possibilities. Just like the seasons, divide up the year into quarters and make your plans accordingly. Right now we are in winter so . regroup, and review so that you can make the plans for the springtime. Take an inventor and make your plans for the next season and so on. This makes your goals more manageable and more likely to be tangible!

This year offers new opportunities to those who choose to seek it. It is up to you to do the journey, that is why you are the human - being. Do the things you want to do and there is no time like the present, quite literally, so do it now. 2017 is a creator year, start now to create the year you plan.

Be sure to release the past. Let go of belief systems that no longer work for you. This is an important, life changing time, Significant opportunities are available for 2017. Let this be your stellar year.

Tons of love, Sharon and the angels xoxox

Check out Sharon's book, Angel Guidance, Messages of Love and Healing

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Sharon's Take - 2017 – Are you ready to take the Challenge?

2017 – Are you ready to take the Challenge?

This has been a wondrous time of change – has it not? Oh, so some of you did not enjoy the process that this past year has brought your way. Well, hang on to your hats, as this year is sure to be quite the ride! 

While many of you will be bringing in the new year with the hopes of better days, some of you have been having the time of your lives as this past year has started some really grand adventures that will continue on into this next year in big ways and for some of you this year will be epic in ways that others only dream. The choices that come your way are the rewards coming to fruition from this last nine year cycle – That is Huge! 

The overall theme for the year 2017 is about the New You that is Evolving. We want for you to spend a reasonable amount of your time on your inner growth and learning to master the power of your mind and mental acuity from the aspect of the higher realms. That is to say that as you expand your understanding of being human and being spirit having a human experience and learning to hone the power of mastering thoughts and feelings and become the quantum beings you are becoming, individually at first and then as a species will be an important focus. The more of you who awaken these dormant aspects of you, the greater the wave of evolution you will create and the faster you will see the results you seek with the least amount of discomfort overall. There will be upheaval for some of you and for others the changes that this year brings will be a welcome relief from what has been – It is truly is matter of perspective upon where you are coming from in what you see and you will all experience varying degrees of this in the different aspects of life. 

When it comes to your career, how you can make a living, it is important to be true to yourself – and no one else – and of course to follow the passions of your heart. Putting the heart in all that you do is becoming more important during these shifting times and the new human that is evolving. You will find ways to make the transitions and get through the energy of lack in order to move on to the paradigm of enough for all.  You are beginning to understand the true principles of creation and working with the elements to help you manifest what you need and this will lead to changes in how you utilize the planets natural resources. Trust in the process and support those who are thinking outside the box in big ways as this will help you go farther faster than you can truly imagine. 

Remember that together you are stronger and so when you grasp the concepts of supporting each other and away from the conquering mentality, you will begin to see big shifts in how things get done and the changes that it brings your way. Continue on being the best that you can be at whatever it is you choose to do and know that you will be compensated for your abilities and your talents as you learn to believe in yourself and those abilities even more. 

When an intellectual solution to life’s problems is sought over an emotional issue that is when you find the lasting solutions that you seek. Look at everyone’s motives and consider all opinions before taking action, even if at times you must act quickly and decisively. You are ready to be done with this and move on and there is no time like the present – There is no time like the present, so we encourage you to act now. Do not wait. This will help you to bring about the changes you have been seeking for so long, individually as well as a species. 

Completions are at hand and you might feel at times a bit lonely and this should not be. Cherish your alone time and use it advantageously. If you feel some sadness in your heart for what might have been release it and know that time will heal. Use this time for introspection and looking forward, for you will once again find another on your path to help you feel the world in a new way and this will greatly change the next experiences you seek. 

Expect wonderful news along with some sadness but know that overall the worst is behind you as you adjust to what this past year of changes and completions has brought to light and expect that some of what needed to be brought forward is for the greater good of all but do not lament it too long for it only feeds the energy where you do not want it. 

The winter will bring about many highs and lows both within human consciousness and in your physical world. You will find the welcome relief of an early spring as this first quarter will bring some harshness in its winter and also its responses to global happenings.  It is always best to be prepared and this is one of those times when the squirrel will be the winner. Make sure your emergency kits are ready and be proactive just in case and remember that regardless what happens, you will be fine.

Expect a few invitations to parties and celebrations as you find that friends start making more time for meaningful connections and spiritual family reunites with others and you become more open and cooperating instead of fear based and competing. You will find more reasons to celebrate or that it is just plain an important aspect to living life well instead of just living life. What is important is shifting in consciousness and it is exciting to see it explode. Find those who walk their talk and let them be your guides, your inspiration, and your mentors, but know that it is important for each of you to do YOUR journey and that there is no quick fix, magic wand, or another soul who can do it for you. It is your journey and it is you who needs to stay present, prepared and grounded through these emotional awakenings of who you are. 

Positive changes are on their way. This will be a welcome relief for many as you will find the world is still re-balancing itself.  For some of you this will mean traveling to foreign lands or even relocating. For some of you will find that you are suddenly swept off your feet when you had given up on love and will be changing your life in big ways. Listen to your heart and know that it is never too late to teach an old dog new tricks and it will be worth the journey should you decide to step up and take the ride. It will be an epic adventure that books are written about - should you choose to accept the challenge and experience a new kind of love! *If this resonates in your heart, you are one of the lucky souls who will get to experience this – truly, madly, deeply, groovy kind of love that so few experience! We say to you – Be Brave and take the plunge! *

Spring should see the fruits of your labour coming to fruition and while usually it is the time to plant your garden in your world, energetically this year it will be the season for rewards from your winters activities – not a year to slumber or hibernate for you want to partake in the bounty that spring will bring. Trusting your intuition is key and those of you who have been honing these skills or senses will be in far better places than those who are behind you. 

Reflect upon your choices as it is always good to do a review at this juncture and utilize the power that your regular meditation practice (hint hint if you are not here already) brings to assisting with your insights, understanding, and ability to make the choices that help you manifest in big ways. The ideas that you seek will come to you clearly as you better learn to use the power of meditation and taping in. 

You will see the result you desire eventually as you keep working towards those choices…the speed of manifestation is truly in your hands and in your heart. When these two work together it won’t even feel like work for the rewards will be so many. Be grateful for you truly have much to celebrate, even if at times it does not seem so. Remember to dance in the rain for this brings deep feelings of peace and happiness and that is truly what most of you long for anyway and that is to live a contented life and make a better way. 

This second part of the year is a good time to work on how you perceive your world and what senses you are best to work on expanding. For many of you this will be your ability to hear or know and trust what you are feeling as you develop your connections with other dimensions and inter-dimensional beings.  Work on connecting with your intuition, awaken your inspiration, and expand your spiritual awareness. Learn how to let go of heavy, dense energies and lighten up on all four levels, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. 

Let this be the summer of balance. Let this be the summer of finding unity in your thoughts and feelings as well as in your world for it is time for Unity consciousness to prevail. Let this be a summer of love and finding love within the self and exploring your world from this new perspective. There is a better choice and there is a better way, remember that you are free to choose and choose again, and get it right, for you are truly never wrong and that you have the freedom to go in any direction that you choose. You can go it alone or with someone at your side for you do not have to walk alone and you were not meant to, but the choice is entirely yours – Are your ready to take the challenge and play the game of life? 

This will be a year for new approaches and to see what really works for you. Do the right thing and do it for the right reasons, not just because you can. Create more spiritually similar groups to spend your time with and let go of all the distractions the controllers of the mass consciousness wish for you to spend your time on for they are truly the ones that have so much to lose and they are beginning to know it and will try to take their last stand. Be vigilant in your-self discipline and stay on task as much as you can. Do not run away from the truth, even though all is not what it seems and this clarity will come to light as the year progresses. 

Make a commitment to your spiritual growth and you will see new relationships and emotional experiences that your soul has been craving. Set aside earthly concerns and dramas for they do not serve you or your growth, they only serve to hinder your progress and this is not what you want to do this year. Find a mentor, take a break from society and its wishes and trust your own. Be practical and yet see the beauty that surrounds you as well as your abilities to make life more beautiful for those who love you and care deeply about you and your progress. 

The autumn of the year is also a time to see the fruits of your labour once again manifesting for you and in your life. If you have not already had the opportunity to meet someone new and create a beautiful relationship earlier this year, time is once again ripe for an epic romance to take place. For those who have found this relationship already then new dynamics will come into play leading to new heightened sensitivities both of you will experience and will come together in new ways. Be bold, be brave and see the success you desire for yourself, your life and all life as you know it to be. 

2017 will see the adjusting to many political changes brought about by the choices you have made for many different countries and how you each handle these transitions will speak volumes in your progress to find your balance and most of you will be just fine. It will not be without its growing pains but the other realms will observe how you stood in grace while under fire and the calm will come when you are ready to assimilate the inevitable as you will find your place and your footing once again in this new world that you are creating together.  

Look forward to this year with anticipation and excitement. Know that you are getting so much closer to your vision of this new earth and each of you truly make a difference when you take command and become the co-creators of this great shift for humanity and take command of your own lives and living in a better way with each other.  

May the light of this year surround you in many blessings, Your Entourage of Light  
Given in love through Sharon Taphorn©2017

Universal Copyright ©2017 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.