Saturday, October 5, 2013

All is Well

All is Well

Here are some reminders of how to be open to hidden blessings and to learn that all is truly well. By Sharon Taphorn

All is Well

It may not always seem so but all is well. Everything happens for a reason and exactly how it is supposed to unfold for you and often you ask why, especially in your darkest hours. When you call, your angels are there and enfolding you in angels wings. Holding you in the light of the Creator Love and it is glorious. Just sit and feel it. Be open when you are sad or afraid, know that you have a hand to hold and are honoured, loved and cherish by your guardian angels.

All is truly well and soon you will understand the hidden blessings that have been brought to you, until then take the time to have some fun, laugh, find joy, contentment and gratitude for your life and all that you have and know that the timing of everything is up to those involved and how they view and see their lives, and if they are not ready to step up to the plate, there is another player standing in the wings waiting to help your team. Know that all is truly well and as it should be and release any fears or doubts as they only cloud your outlook.

Live in Truth of Who You Are

Let go of anything inauthentic and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions and desires for yourself. If there is something that is not working in your life at this time, be willing to release it and start again. You have the ability and power to turn all of your desires into reality; it is just that sometimes the lack of confidence in yourself holds you back from making the very changes you seek.

When you release unhealthy situations, you will find that 'the job, relationships, health issue, relationship, or whatever it is that you desire' heals in ways that you could never have imagined. The key is to trust that you are supported, that things are always happening behind the scenes, and release any thoughts of doubt or less than.

Be Joy filled

Hold feelings of joy in your heart. Joy is that magical sense that all things are possible, and they are. Appreciate the gifts within each moment. Expect a miracle when you decide to be true to who you are and live life in the truth of who you are. You are always, always a beautiful child of Creator light and a spark of Creator Love dwells within you. Be Brave, be confident and be yourself.

Blend With Your Spirit Self

Acknowledge who you are, what you desire and what your needs are and then take the steps that are necessary for you to meet them. First and often the hardest part is deciding what these are and then as become aware and start taking the steps to meet them, you next begin to work on understanding patience and divine timing. The key is to keep your thoughts focused and positive and keep hope alive in your heart.

Trust in God and Your Angels

Trust that there are forces more powerful than what you can see, and know they are assisting you, and want nothing more than for you to have your heart’s desire. Often they are just waiting until you figure out what that is. So spend some time doing some introspection and contemplation by going within. Still your mind and quiet your emotions and ask the angels to help you become aware of your talents, achievements and your gifts. Ask for healing in any area of your life that has been out of balance and to help inspire and guide you.

Remember who you truly are - an evolving spirit disguised as a human. Align yourself with your spirit self and let your life soar.

Higher Guidance

You have access to Divine wisdom and knowledge. Ask your angels and guides to help you become a clearer channel of these teachings so that you can begin to use it to make the changes you desire in your life. Then, as you master its use, you will be ready to share it with others who are newly awakening to the path of light.

Affirmation: "I am a divine spark of Creator Light expressing itself as a human. All things happen at the perfect time and I am inspired and guided by my guides and angels with each step that I take."

When the Student is Ready...

There are always new teachers coming into your life when you are ready, this can be a guide, an angel, an ascended master, or perhaps a human angel or enlightened master. Get yourself ready and get your house in order so that you can make the most of the opportunities that are coming your way as well as make some new opportunities for yourself through the magic of the creations that you are working on. Develop and heighten your abilities to access enhancements of your senses. Deal with any challenges in a kind and understanding manner that is just and fair for all.


It is time to take your power and let your independence be the foundation for your strength and the guide to your success. This is a sign that you are expanding your intuition and your spiritual growth.

Take small steps towards your goals of spiritual growth and expanding your understanding. Begin to focus on the service you can offer humankind at this stage in our evolution. Find ways that allow you to practice your growth and share these gifts with those around you. As you begin to swim in the stream of giving and receiving and on joyful service, you begin to feel that this stream continues to support your growth, and you begin to enjoy life and all that is around you.

Affirmation: "I am a powerful creator force in the service to Light and Love."

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, her weekly radio program Calling All Angels for more information check out her Home Page at

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Calling All Angels with Sharon ~ What's up for October 10/03 by Shifting Times Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Calling All Angels with Sharon ~ What's up for October 10/03 by Shifting Times Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

On this week's show, Sharon Taphorn will share some messages for October, some Angel messages, a meditation and then some mini angel sessions. Come join us! 

Join Sharon each week as she shares messages of love, transformation and healing from the Angels, Masters and other Beings of Lights. 6pm pacific/9pm eastern
Each week features angels and guides and how to work with them. How they can assist us and working with their energy. Discussions, meditations and spiritual guidance. Mini Angel Sessions are offered in the last segment of the show.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sharon’s Take for October 2013 The Mastery In Your Creations

Sharon’s Take for October 2013 The Mastery In Your Creations 
by Sharon Taphorn

If you did your completions last month, you are most likely looking forward the new ideas and inspirations that are coming in as a result of your focused intention, if not, well do not worry, you have the time and you seldom move on when you have unfinished business left to tackle. It will make its circle until it is complete one way or perhaps another. Hopefully you have done some of the work so that you feel the times ahead are bringing wanted things your way. Keep chugging along, healing, releasing and transforming your thoughts and your feelings. It is most important that you keep moving forward and taking that next step.

This truly is the time to be working on the mastery of your life plans, lessons and goals. All three are important for you if you desire them to be. Choose your battles and your rewards carefully and wisely as these are the seeds that are planting for your future. Change is happening, you can see it all around you, it may not seem fast enough for some of you, and yet, when you look, you can see that it is there. This next block of energy that is coming in will shake things up a bit as your mental world tries to finds its balance with its emotions and well, there is call for moderation, co-operation and compromise all around in your many departments.

Remember that as within so without. As you change the landscape of your inner thoughts and feelings, so will you see faster change in your outer world as it is the resulting manifestation of the collective thoughts and feelings of the all. Is it any wonder those of us upon this path feel exhausted and overwhelmed at times?

Choose where you spend your time and your energy wisely and let it be with focused intention on what it is you want to create. It does not do you service to focus on what others’ are choosing, wanting or doing, use your energy to make things better for you, make the changes in your life  as this  is better for the collective as well. And of course, like the 100th monkey, that is how we begin to see the changes that we wish to see in this world.

While you are working on your mastery, remember the importance of taking time out to have some fun and enjoy yourself. It is important to keeping you moving, positive and fresh. It helps you work out things that might be stagnant and balance your emotional and mental considerations. As well it brings in fresh particles of energy to bathe your every cell. Laughter and fun are an important part of our relaxation and rejuvenation and so make time to watch a funny movie, or do things that bring you joy and excite your senses.

During October there will be plenty of opportunities for those who choose to seek them. There will seem to be a lot going on and nothing getting accomplished by those who are not in the flow of understanding how to utilize the waves of higher energy. Don’t get caught up in that energy as it is easy to do. Centre and ground yourself and use that energy to help you bring you intentions and goals into your physical world.  There just may be some solar flares or geomagnetic activity that often bring with a bit of confusion. You as the lightworker know you have the power to tap into these events and use them to help you to manifest and focus energy towards your dreams and desires.

Get yourself prepared for the changing times ahead as these will be many over the next year and some will not view these changes as the positive signs that you see. The less baggage you bring with you on this flight, the less time you have to wait for it to arrive so you can get on with the next part of your adventure. We also have mercury Retrograde October 21st to November 10th, so this is the time to prepare so that you can enjoy this time instead of dread it as many do. I always look forward to them as I know it is chance to get caught up and slow down what I am doing. 

I have a new on-line class starting in October, 12 weeks ‘Walking in Mastery, Being in the flow with your life lessons.’ This journey begins Monday October 21st at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern and will include discussions, meditations and homework to help you get on task and keep your focus while you prepare for the shifting times ahead. Investment of $99.00. This workshop includes one private session to help us hone in on the focus of your journey.  This class with be recorded and available as a download for those who cannot attend live. To Sign up for this workshop see my home page at or send me an email at

Have a great month as we begin to prepare for the next chapter in our journeys and may you find the path that leads you to where you want to be, love and blessings Sharon and the funny farm of fur 

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, her weekly radio program Calling All Angels for more information check out her Home Page at