Understanding and Awakening of the Self-Master with Serapis Bey
December 15, 2012 through Sharon Taphorn
with Serapis Bey: I was told about 20 years ago that Serapis Bey was
one of my ascended masters in a reading. I bought a book about him, but
never really got into it. I would love to have another look at it now,
however it seems to have entered an alternate reality and I presume it
will show up when I am ready or have time to read it. I really never
felt a strong pull to work with him and felt that I was perhaps sensing a
different energy. It was only in the last few weeks as I am finishing
off the content for my new book that I felt compelled to work with this
wonderful master, and what a treat it is. He is very refreshing to work
with. I didn’t pick him, he picked me as I just asked what other masters
I should include in the book. I actually didn’t even realise he was a
part of the seven rays as he is the ascended master of the 4th Ray
according to the Ascended Masters I AM and Alice Bailey’s teachings and
the 3rd Ray according to Ronna Herman and Archangel
Michael. Serapis Bey did share with that there will some changes
happening over the next few years as we begin to work more with the
twelve rays, there will be changes to which master or archangel is
working with that ray. He also shared with me that the twelve rays will
see female masters like Mary Magdalene and Quan Yin coming forward as
they too are wisdom keepers of transformation for the coming age and it
is time for a balance of the masculine and feminine.
Serapis Bey works on the 4th
Ray of Harmony and Balance. Emerald green is the colour of this ray. He
also works amethyst and violet. He appeared to me in a temple within a
pyramid at the temple of Luxor and told me I had several lifetimes in
Egypt and will have a spiritual experience when I return. He has a very
calming presences and is a more subtle energy that some of the Masters.
He has a gentleness that is very soothing. Crystals to work with can be
Diamond, Pearl, Zircon, and Quartz.
Invite Serapis Bey
to overlight you as you are processing shift symptoms, or for guidance
and understanding. He works with Archangel Gabriel on purity, discipline
and joy.
Understanding and Awakening of the Self-Master
I am honoured and happy that you have called upon my energy to work with and help you understand the process of ascension and reawaken your energies of remembrance. We have lived many lifetimes together and you will feel a familiarity with my light. Journey with me to the temple of the masters and receive an initiation to the plane of the higher mind and of spirit, turning knowledge into wisdom and the ability to use the spoken word to teach this higher dimensional way of being to those that follow. Always the student becomes the teacher, the aspirant becomes the master.
Understanding and Awakening of the Self-Master
I am honoured and happy that you have called upon my energy to work with and help you understand the process of ascension and reawaken your energies of remembrance. We have lived many lifetimes together and you will feel a familiarity with my light. Journey with me to the temple of the masters and receive an initiation to the plane of the higher mind and of spirit, turning knowledge into wisdom and the ability to use the spoken word to teach this higher dimensional way of being to those that follow. Always the student becomes the teacher, the aspirant becomes the master.
You must find the space and quiet to connect
and communicate with your inner guide for you to see the results that
you seek for yourself and your world. Of course it is always a choice,
however if you are confused or indecisive, it is because you do not have
enough information to go confidently, or you do not trust yourself or
your journey. Both of these are easily remedied.
do some research or seek expert advice to help you make your decisions.
Your computers make this so much easier as you literally have the
answers at your fingertips. Discernment is also a quality you should
develop and that will come as you learn to trust yourself again. The
second one is trust. This is something that must come from within you
and it is not about trusting others, that's discernment, it is about
trusting yourself and making confident decisions for yourself.
guides and angels are leading you towards the answers that you seek.
Remember to listen to and follow the steps we are communicating to you
through your thoughts, intuition, day dreams and night dreams. When you
are making decisions for your life, ask yourself, "Which choice brings
me closer to my divine purpose and service, and which way takes me
farther away?" You will know what to do, to choose what is best and
right for you. No one else can decide this and let no one try.
charging ahead. Victory is yours. Your hopes and your dreams will
manifest as long you keep your focus positive, and on the prize. It is
so very important for you to believe that all things are possible and
not put limits on your creations and desires. This is often where the
human gets all turned around and confused about what to do and where to
go. When this happens, take time out and take a breath. Release the
how’s and the what’s and just believe that it is going happen
regardless. Do not let others or your own fears hold you back from
taking the steps you want to take.
Much of your wanting
stems from the mental body and it takes the world of the physical,
emotional and etheric bodies to really make things happen in your
reality and as you approach life and your dreams from a balance of these
bodies as well as the mental processes, you will then be in the flow of
energy for your life. Let not the commercialism and fear based energies
interfere with your creations - these are of the mental concept of
scarcity and lack and are often the blocks that stand in your way.
Transform your thoughts and get them working with you and for you.
Affirmation: "I know that all things are possible in this abundant universe and I am worthy and deserving to receive my dreams and desires right now."
is about you becoming an empowered people. You will move away from the
paradigm of power over to understanding that you are truly more powerful
when you work together. Remember that it is safe for you to be powerful
as you know how to use your power in loving ways that assist others as
well as yourself. As you continue your journey to unity consciousness,
you will grow in many ways. Right now it is mostly learning love,
forgiveness and how to be more compassionate beings and much has
happened on your plane in the last days to help to exemplify this to the
people. To help you heal any situation, allow yourself to see it from
everyone’s perspective and with the compassion of the higher mind and
heart. Weight all points of view and ideas carefully and then you know
that you are doing what is best for everyone and that must also include
you as you are also an important part of the whole.
yourself “What is most important to me right now?” and let the answers
flow from your heart and your mind blended together as one. Take the
time to looks at things again, as you have shifted and changed who you
are so much of late, that a new perspective is necessary from the aspect
of all four bodies, the physical, emotional, mental and etheric, and to
take care of yourself in all of these ways.
We cannot
emphasis enough that is so important for you to look at yourselves and
your life from the four perspectives. Diet and movement are an important
part of the ‘physical’ journey and to realise that your body is the
temple, the vessel of which allows your spirit to express itself and
must be cherished. There is much miss information about what is good and
best for you and this where discernment and a good healer are helpful.
Your allopathic doctors have much to offer too and hopefully will begin
to question more as they see the energy and holistic healers getting
results where they cannot. Until then, it is up to you to learn and
understand that there is so much more available to you and so learn what
is right and best for you. Treat your body like the god/goddess that
you are and know you are worthy the journey of good health and it is a
natural state of being.
Your purpose is important.
There is not just one goal or purpose for your entire life; however you
usually choose a major theme. Feeling you have a purpose is important
and each one of you is a thread in the weave of life, if one of those
threads should break, then it is no longer as strong and whole as it
once was and we must find someone to mend it and make it strong once
again. If you are unsure of your purpose, ask your angels and guides to
put you in a place where you can be your highest and best use to the
Universe and All that IS and allow yourself to serve a purpose and yours
will come to you.
If you feel unsure or afraid, confusion
or perhaps anger, ask your angels to help you heal your emotions and
release these feelings from your heart and your mind that which feels
discordant. Trust in yourself as we trust in you and you will get where
you want to go. Don't allow insecurities to hold you back, as you have
dreams worth aiming for. Focus on the now and let your angels and guides
do their work setting things in motion for you it in the what is to
Affirmation: "As I honour and follow my heart,
good things come my way and I naturally find myself loving and living my
life with purpose."
Find the balance in your
emotional selves by realizing it is okay for you to feel emotions in all
of its beautiful forms whether you are engendered as a male of a
female. It is when you understand that you need the blend of both within
you to really get things done that you begin to process the aspects of
each in your lives and things begin to change. Find that balance within
and you will feel both the energies working for you and with you and
will feel whole and complete within yourselves. Let this be a loving
teamwork of internal forces that allow you to be a powerful external
Creating a meditation practice that fits with your
life is of the utmost importance. It is when you feel disconnected from
your inner wisdom, your god, or self that chaos ensues. It does not need
to take long or be difficult and it is part of you becoming the
self-masters that you are becoming. Great wisdom comes from spending
some time in solitude, in nature, just going within and connecting to
that clear and quiet wise center within your sacred and high heart.
Trust that you have the talents and skills you need or will easily be
guided to a teacher to assist in your spiritual practice and the changes
you are longing for will manifest in your world.
is happening all around you and within you. You are creating a bridge to
transition from the energy of the old ways to a grand new way of
thinking and supporting each other. Each catastrophic world event is an
opportunity to find love for each other and support each other so that
these stop from happening. It takes just one person to make a difference
and like the domino principle, the old paradigm collapses and a new one
must be built with a new firmer foundation upon which to stand. This
will happening globally as within the awakening ones.
the time to reflect upon where you have been and what you have learned
from these experiences as it is time to become the masters of your
destiny. For some of you this can mean a complete change in your life,
the universe and everything, new careers, new jobs, new homes, new
countries… something completely different than what you had before. Try
something new or completely different and see if it leads you to a
better place than you were in before. Be brave and trust your heart.
Purposeful action leads you closer to you wants and needs faster than
other process. Keep your thoughts positive and focused and know that you
are deserving of creating this. Support each other. Release judgement
and replace it with assessment.
Be at peace. Inner peace
helps you create outer peace. As you find the balance and support within
yourself the world around you changes. As each human steps forward and
finds peacefulness with themselves and their world, their world changes.
Soon you will see the changes you have dreamed of for so very long
happening on a global level. Do not wait to see what others are doing,
do it now and do it for you.
Each day is a new beginning
and a new opportunity to find a better way. Each day is a fresh canvas
upon which to paint. Decide that today you will a great day filled with
surprises from spirit to make you laugh, to enjoy, to step closer to
creating your dreams and desires and that each step you take helps you
move forward on your path. You can choose to be peaceful inside you
regardless what is happening around you.
Caring for
yourself is one of the most important actions you can do right now. To
create the rewards, expansion and destiny you seek for yourself and your
world is to take your power back and use it with the balance and love
you have elevated yourself to already and you will feel more positive,
sure and able to focus on what is important for you. Simplify your life
and really focus on what is important. Let not the distractions of your
world occupy your mind. Work on yourself and your destiny and you will
see the changes you desire.
Affirmation: "I am
at peace with myself, my life and where I am in the world. Each new day
is an opportunity to find a better way."
Be patient
with yourselves and each other. This is a time of great learning and
expansion, so take the time to learn, study and gather the knowledge
that you seek to help you confidently move forward. This is a time of
great growth and change. Old energy may feel threatened by your light.
Know that you are safe, supported and protected. Know that you are
healing and can send them back love and release any thoughts that make
you feel less than. This is a time of emotional healing and this enables
you to open your hearts to more love. Release any anger, fear, or
unforgiveness from your heart, your mind and your body for you no longer
need to wear these scars of the past.
Take action as
you feel guided. As you get better in touch with your truth and
authentic self, you will know what to do and what is best for all. What
is best for you is what is best for all as you are all intrinsically
connected to each other. As you do to yourself, you do to another. As
you do to others, you do to yourselves. Trust your inner guidance.
Assert yourself with love and wisdom and remember that it takes a
village to raise a child and that is truly what you are.
the time to connect to your inner awareness and you will feel the
guidance and direction you seek and trust more confidently in your
dreams and yourself as you take your steps up the ladder of ascension. I
AM Serapis Bey and I am honoured to guide you at any time you desire
for an initiation to raise your vibration.
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Sharon and Bella |
Sponsor a workshop with Sharon, the Angels, and Masters.
You can visit her website at www.playingwiththeuniverse.com.
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