Friday, April 2, 2010

Sharon's Take for April 2010

As our beautiful mother nature comes back to life around me in the northern hemisphere, I am continually touched by the beauty and energy that is coming alive all around me. The wondrous sounds of the birds as they attract a mate and begin to build a new home is remarkable to me. I love the change of seasons, especially spring, as it brings with it rebirth and starting anew.

For me, March was a interesting month. There were many shifts and changes, and I find myself entering April making many changes in all aspects of my life. If I am not passionate about an area of my life, I am finding that it needs to be changed and adjusted, as well, if I am passionate about another area, it too is shifting and changing. I started March with a plan and a purpose, by the 4th day, everything seemed to take a big shift. I became a great auntie to a beautiful little girl, Avery Raine, and am very much looking forward to this role. I love children and the gifts they bring to us. From there, I took a 'job' at the nursing home as I am still working on the balance of money in this realm. I am truly tired of this juggling act of making sure I have enough energy in my physical world.  I adjusted my radio programs, workshops and meditation groups to meet this new schedule. This however did not lend to bringing any balance into my life in any other realm of my life. It was interesting to see, feel and experience how my fellow travelers at this 'job' responded and treated me during this experience. I became acutely aware that this was not a way I could spend my day. I looked for the gift in the experience, which took a great deal of searching. It is amazing to me how a few people can affect the experience of the many - I felt very much like I had shifted into an alternate dimension of lower energy than I normally reside in. I discovered that I would not 'survive' in this energy, meaning that I could not live my 'life' in this energy. I was reminded that I often don't have long lives on planet earth as I often find the energy here difficult to stay within. I am here to assist in the shifting energy of who and what humanity is evolving towards, and must ground myself and remember that. I am not as attached to the physical journey as most around me are, yet here I am. I've had a few conversations with people who get this look of shock and sometimes horror when I share with them that I am just not that attached to being a human. This does not mean that I am going to be leaving this realm any time soon, as I still have unfinished business here or I would not have come in the first place. I am finding that I need to have the connection of the spirit realm in all that I do in order to find the passion and desire to be part of the human journey. If I am unable to create enough energy and 'time' for pursuits  that feed my spiritual/emotional bodies, the physical and mental world are just plain not worth the work that is required to be a  part of this entire experience, I would not care to survive in an only 3D world.  So, where do I go from here. Luckily for those around me who are attached to the physical me, I receive enough energy and love from my spiritual pursuits, from my programs and clients who are open and expanding to keep me here in the physical world. And, as I look at the lessons from this experience, I find myself seeking more balance in this realm to be at peace. Which really is the energy of April combined with the energy of the year. Finding the balance in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms and doing what you love, while being true to yourself and trusting in the universe is exactly what I am going through at this time.

I know that I need to make changes in my life. I know that this is part of why we come here to be human, and that to experience all the separateness of the totality of this experience is why many of us are doing the human journey.  So, for this wonderful cycle we are now in, I pledge to focus on being more in love with the physical aspect of my experiences. To search for more ways I can be in my passion, and therefore be more passionate about this experience instead of just doing time till I am released.

I am currently working on creating a new schedule as well. Please check out my home page at for more information on upcoming workshops and meditations. As well, I am also available for healing sessions and readings via telephone or in person here in Williams Lake. 

As a way to thank you, I am offering a contest to my readers for a 30 minute reading session. If you would like to have your name entered in the draw, send an email with contest in the subject line and include the email address you would like me to contact you through if you are the winner.This is open until the end of May. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love and blessings, Sharon

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